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Surprise! Community Center refreshed

עודכן: 29 במאי 2019

Project Scope:
Location: Community Center in Herzliya, adjacent to local elementary school
Day of activity: Good Deeds Day, April 2nd, 2019

About two months prior to the date, the new community center social manager contacted studio Youtovia with a burning desire to activate the existing fragmented community and liven up the community place with a creative engaging initiative. She wanted a fresh creative concept for the outdoor social space in addition to our help managing and producing the initiative, up to the event and during.

The Brief: Come up with a creative concept for the social space on a limited budget, manage the project from purchasing materials, delegating volunteers, to production of the activity on the day itself.

This is how the community outdoor space initially looked, lacked color, play, interaction or connection to the families and children using the space.

The Process: Defining goals, intentions, limitations, budget and lots of observations

We always begin with defining the goals of the client, what do they want to achieve out of this campaign? How do they want to be perceived? What are their intentions? What are the limitations? In addition, we meet with the people of the place, engage with the community, take photos and visit the space on several occasions at different hours to observe automatic behaviors and energy of the place.

We advised the community center to hold a simple "dot survey" at one of their events to get feedback from the community but most importantly to reconnect with the people's needs, desires and wishes for the future activities to be held in the center.

After analyzing all the data accumulated, quality and quantifiable information, we begin the ideation process.

We presented several concept directions for the community center management team to decide upon. The presentation was built around a general make-over look and feel and additional optional elements the community can get creatively and actively involved in.

Here are just some, before and after, imaging simulations we presented:

The Outcome: Community engagement, community place-making and a fresh new look for the community center/

On the day of the activity we welcomed a team of volunteers from a high-tech company located in Herzliya and 3rd grade school kids from the local school nearby. The teams then split up to complete each station according to our sketches and instructions given. With music playing in the background and the amazing dedicated energy of the group, we had a great time and completed the mission in just 5 hours! And we even got to meet the Municipality Mayor who came to boost our moral!

Here's a complete list of the project outcome: a new magnetic dynamic wall with Dr. Seuss quote "Oh, the places you'll go!", painted bicycles with flower pots, wooden planters, butterfly and flower stencil art, flowers from recycled plastic bottles created by the children, painted brick wall and arcs, 3 painted bird housed, colored pavement with positive words, little ceramic housed, birds and mushroom donated my community artist, 2 wooden barrels with flowing flowers.

"I now smile every morning when I walk into the community center, the place looks happier and makes me feel good!" -Rinat, Community Manager

A special thank you to @lost_for_life8 , @shani_mazali, the wonderful kids from Ben Tzvi elementary school, The Neora high-tech employees, and local residents who helped make this happen! Thank you!!


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